Thanks to Hollywood, black hat hackers have become the iconic image of all hackers around the world. For the majority of computer users, the word hacker has become a synonym for social misfits and criminals. Of course, that is an injustice created by our own interpretation of the mass media, so it is important for us to learn what a hacker is and what a black hacker (or cracker) does. So, let's learn about black hat techniques and how they make our lives a little more difficult. .What Is Black Hat Hacking?
A black hat hacker, also known as a cracker or a dark side hacker (this last definition is a direct reference to the Star Wars movies and the dark side of the force), is someone who uses his skills with a criminal intent. Some examples are: cracking bank accounts in order to make transferences to their own accounts, stealing information to be sold in the black market, or attacking the computer network of an organization for money.
Some famous cases of black hat hacking include Kevin Mitnick, who used his black hat hackers skills to enter the computers of organizations such as Nokia, Fujitsu, Motorola and Sun Microsystems (it must be mentioned that he is now a white hat hacker); Kevin Poulsen, who took control of all the phone lines in Los Angeles in order to win a radio contest (the prize was a Porsche 944 S2); and Vladimir Levin, which is the handle of the mastermind behind the stealing of $10'000,000 to Citigroup.
Black Hat Hackers
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5:20 AM
Labels: Black hat hacker
How To Defeat The Attempts Of A Black Hat Hacker
In order to survive in the World Wide Web, there are certain things that we need to know in order to endure. The first one is that each computer user is responsible for his machine and the data that it contains. It doesn't matter if a transnational spends hundreds of millions of dollars in IT security if an absent-minded employee downloads and installs unauthorized software or falls into the email scheme of black hat hackers.
Basic Knowledge :
So, the first thing that we need to know is that computers, and networks, are like houses. If they don't have the windows and doors properly secured, anyone can enter. There are thousands of hackers in the internet looking for computers with unsecured entrances. Even worse, they have programs making the search for them. If you consider that there are hundreds of millions of computers in the world, then it is highly probable that an important percentage of them aren't properly secured.
Firewall :
In order to secure our "house", we need to have a firewall installed and properly configured. A firewall is like a lock that assures that all the entrances to your computer are properly closed, so no one from the outside can access it..
Anti Virus Software :
Another useful piece of software is the antivirus. Antivirus have been around since the first personal computers since viruses have always existed. Unfortunately, the internet has generated a demographic explosion and now they wander, freely, through the net. There are several software packages in the market, so test the ones with which you feel more comfortable and stay with the one that is more convenient for you.
Regular Updates :
The next step is to update your operating system, especially if it is Windows XP. Ninety percent of the worldwide operating system market is owned by Microsoft. For that reason, it is the preferred choice for crackers in the entire world. They are constantly looking for ways to bypass the security of this operating system, looking for weaknesses of all kind (even in something as innocent as the Media Player). In order to stop them, maintain your operating system updated.
Education in Security Techniques :
Finally, if you are inside a company, assure yourself that the users are trained. They must be able to detect if they are being victims of cracker scam. It can be through the internet messaging system, an email or even an innocent looking PowerPoint attachment sent by a friend. People are the last line of defense against black hat hacking.
Over time, black hat techniques have become more advanced and complex. Although there are computer software programs that can help a cracker in many ways, it is still a profession that requires a knack for computer software and hardware. So, as you may have noticed, black hat hackers will never disappear, which means that we need to have our computers, and our networks, prepared.
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5:19 AM
Labels: Black hat hacker
Adrian Lamo:
Adrian Lamo (born 1981) is an infamous former Black hat hacker and journalist, principally known for breaking into a series of high-security computer networks, and his subsequent arrest. Best known among these were his intrusions into The New York Times and Microsoft. He is also known for attempting to identify security flaws in computer networks of Fortune 500 companies and then notifying them of any found; while still illegal in many places without permission, this can be seen as a form of unsolicited penetration testing.
Personal :
Lamo was born in Boston, Massachusetts to Mario Lamo and Mary Lamo-Atwood. He spent his early childhood in Arlington, VA, until moving to Bogot?, Colombia around the age of 10. When his family moved back to the United States two years later, they settled in San Francisco, where Adrian lived until he tested out of High School a year early.
Dubbed the "homeless hacker" for his transient lifestyle, Lamo spent most of his travels couch-surfing, squatting in abandoned buildings and travelling to Internet cafes, libraries and universities to investigate networks, and sometimes exploit security holes. Despite performing authorized and unauthorized vulnerability assessment for several large, high-profile entities, Lamo refused to accept payment for his services. In the past, his lifestyle allowed him to travel up and down the coasts of the United States, often by bus, carrying all necessary possessions in a backpack.
Professional :
Since Lamo's sentencing, he has entered the early stages of a career as an award-winning journalist, studying at American River College, with writing, photography, and editorial work / collaboration appearing in Network World, Mobile Magazine, 2600 Magazine, The American River Current, XY Magazine, and others.
Lamo has interviewed personalities ranging from John Ashcroft, to Oliver Stone to alleged members of the Earth Liberation Front. Lamo also has a history of public speaking - he was a keynote speaker at a government security conference in 2005 alongside Bruce Schneier, and a panelist at the Information Security In the Age of Terrorism conference.
Lamo has shown signs of increased cooperation with media since his release from federal custody, including a podcast interview with Patrick Gray in Australia, and an April 2007 segment on 88.1 WMBR out of Cambridge.
Activities and techniques :
Adrian Lamo is perhaps best known for breaking into The New York Times internal computer network in February 2002, adding his name to confidential databases of expert sources, and using the paper's LexisNexis account to conduct research on high-profile subjects, although his first published activities involved operating AOL watchdog site The Times filed a complaint and a warrant for Lamo's arrest was issued in August 2003 following a 15 month investigation by federal prosecutors in New York.
At 10:15 AM on September 9, after spending a few days in hiding, he surrendered to the US Marshals in Sacramento, California. He re-surrendered to the FBI in New York City on September 11, and pleaded guilty to one count of computer crimes against Microsoft, Lexis-Nexis and The New York Times on January 8, 2004.
Later in 2004, Lamo was sentenced to six months' detention at his parents' home plus two years probation, and was ordered to pay roughly $65,000 in restitution. He was convicted of compromising security at The New York Times and Microsoft, and is alleged to have admitted to exploiting security weaknesses at Excite@Home, Yahoo!, Microsoft, MCI WorldCom, Ameritech, Cingular and has allegedly violated network security at AOL Time Warner, Bank of America, Citigroup, McDonald's and Sun Microsystems.
Companies sometimes use proxies to allow their employees access to the internet, without giving the internet access to their internal network. However, when these proxies are improperly configured, they can allow access to the company's internal network. Lamo often exploited this, sometimes using a tool called ProxyHunter.
Critics have repeatedly labelled Lamo as a publicity seeker or common criminal, claims that he has refused to publicly refute. When challenged for a response to allegations that he was glamorizing crime for the sake of publicity, his response was "Anything I could say about my person or my actions would only cheapen what they have to say for themselves." When approached for comment during his criminal case, Lamo would frequently frustrate reporters with non sequiturs such as "Faith manages" and "It was a beautiful day."
At his sentencing, Lamo expressed remorse for harm he had caused through his intrusions, with the court record quoting him as adding "I want to answer for what I have done and do better with my life."
As of January 16, 2007, Lamo's probation was terminated, ending a three-year period during which the U.S. District Court's ruling prevented him from exercising certain freedoms, including the ability to employ any privacy protection software, travel outside certain established boundaries, or socialize with security researchers.
DNA controversy :
On May 9, 2006, while 18 months into a two year probation sentence, Adrian Lamo refused to give the United States government a blood sample they demanded so as to record his DNA in their CODIS system. According to his attorney, Adrian Lamo has a religious objection to giving blood, but is willing to give his DNA in another form. "He went in there with fingernail clippings and hair, and they refused to accept it, because they will only accept blood," said federal public defender Mary French.
On June 15, 2007, lawyers for Lamo filed another motion citing the Book of Genesis as one basis for Lamo's religious opposition to the frivolous spilling of blood: "The Book of Genesis leaves unambiguous this matter. Therein, those who would spill the blood of man are rebuked as follows: 'Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.' Genesis 9:6 (New International Version)."
Lamo continued: "Under this admonition, not only would I be blinding myself to the direct instructions of scripture by shedding blood, but I would similarly be casting whomever facilitated this act into sin, multiplying my culpability," setting the basis for defense counsel Mary French to urge US District Court Judge Frank Damrell to exempt Lamo from the sampling entirely, or to order his probation officer to accept some other biological product in lieu of blood, as previously offered by Lamo.
On June 21, 2007, it was reported that Lamo's legal counsel had reached a settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice granting Lamo's original request. According to Kevin Poulsen's blog, "On Wednesday, the Justice Department formally settled the case, filing a joint stipulation along with Lamo's federal public defender dropping the demand for blood, and accepting cheek swabs instead." Reached for comment, Lamo reportedly affirmed to Poulsen his intention to "comply vigorously" with the order.
Can You Hack It?
Can You Hack It?, a documentary covering Lamo's life and times, is slated for release under the care of Trigger Street Productions. Directed by Sam Bozzo, it features Apple Computer co-founder Steve Wozniak, TechTV personality Leo Laporte, and narration by actor Kevin Spacey. The film explores the practical and ethical themes of modern computer hacking, intertwining Lamo's story with those of controversial figures throughout history.
Posted by
5:07 AM
Labels: Black hat hacker
Jonathan James:
Jonathan James (born 11 May 1981), full name Jonathan Nicholas William James, raised in the university-town of Uppsala. Jonathan is an IT security professional, but is also a recognized music producer in the pop and hiphop genre (signed to Bonnier Music Group). His music production credits include music for San Quinn, Ya Boy, Shade Sheist, Redrum, D.N.A., The Jacka, Ron G and more.
In 1999 James released a software-package which guarded computers against backdoors and trojans like NetBus and Back Orifice. Later that same year he released Cassandra Gold, which could detect and remove the top 25 backdoors and trojans. Cassandra Gold was well received with a user-base of some 25 000 including the US Air Force, NASA, the U.K. Patents office.
In 1999 he collaborated with the FBI and Richard M. Smith (as well as Fredrik Bj?rck) in the hunt for the author of the Melissa worm, contributing to the conviction of worm-author David L. Smith.
Later, in 2000 Mr. James contested the findings of Fredrik Bj?rck (at that time, a computer-science researcher at Stockholm University). Bj?rck claimed that the ILOVEYOU worm was written and spread by a German exchange-student by the name of Michael living in Australia.
Bj?rck's accusation led to the confiscation of Michael's computers. James then began investigating the worm origins together with the FBI. The investigation concluded that the worm originated from the AMA Computer University and that Onel A. de Guzman was a contributing author of the worm. The findings later contributed to the arrests of Onel A. de Guzman and Michael Buen.
James founded an IT-security consultancy, which he later left due to dissent with the investors. He is currently finishing his degree in Education and political sciences as well as lecturing, developing strategies and tools for intelligence gathering purposes.
Posted by
5:02 AM
Labels: Black hat hacker
Kevin David Mitnick (born October 6, 1963) is a controversial computer hacker and convicted criminal in the United States.
Mitnick was convicted in the late 1990s of illegally gaining access to computer networks and stealing intellectual property. Though Mitnick has been convicted of computer related crimes and possession of several forged identification documents, his supporters argue that his punishment was excessive.
Mitnick served five years in prison, of which four and a half years were pre-trial, and eight months were in solitary confinement. He was released on January 21, 2000. During his supervised release, which ended on January 21, 2003, he was initially restricted from using any communications technology other than a landline telephone. Mitnick fought this decision in court, and the judge ruled in his favor, allowing him to access the Internet.
Mitnick now runs Mitnick Security Consulting, a computer security consultancy.
Early life :
Kevin Mitnick began social engineering or perhaps discovered his first engineerable situation at the age of 12. He realized he could bypass the punchcard system used for the Los Angeles bus system: by buying his own punch, he could get free bus rides anywhere in the greater LA area. Social engineering became his primary method of obtaining information, whether it be user names and passwords, modem phone numbers or any number of other pieces of data.
In high school, he was introduced to phone phreaking, the activity of manipulating telephones which was often used to evade long distance charges for his benefit..
Computer hacking :
Mitnick broke into his first computer network in 1979, when a friend gave him the phone number for the Ark, the computer system at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) used for developing their RSTS/E operating system software. He broke into DEC's computer network and copied DEC's software, for which he was later convicted. This was the first of a series of run-ins with the law..
Acts by Kevin Mitnick :
Using the Los Angeles bus transfer system to get free rides
Evading the FBI
Hacking into DEC system(s) to view VMS source code (DEC reportedly spent $160,000 in cleanup costs)
Gaining full admin privileges to an IBM minicomputer at the Computer Learning Center in LA
Hacking Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Sun Microsystems and Fujitsu Siemens systems
Alleged :
Stole computer manuals from a Pacific Bell telephone switching center in Los Angeles
Read the e-mail of computer security officials at MCI Communications and Digital
Wiretapped the California DMV
Made free cell phone calls
Hacked SCO, PacBell, FBI, Pentagon, Novell, CA DMV, USC and Los Angeles Unified School District systems.
Kevin Mitnick myths:
Hacked into NORAD
"Theft of... at least 20,000 credit card numbers from computer systems around the nation"
Ability to launch nuclear weapons by whistling into a payphone
Issued a false press release for Security Pacific Bank causing a $400 million loss in market capitilization
Changed a judge's TRW credit report
Wiretapped FBI agents
Turned off the utilities of an FBI agent
Vandalized many government, corporate and university computer systems.
Hacked into Tsutomu Shimomura's home computer
Harassed actress Kristy McNichol.
Controversy :
Kevin Mitnick's criminal activities, arrest, and trial were controversial, as was the journalism surrounding his conviction.
The controversy is highlighted by the differing views offered in two books: John Markoff and Tsutomu Shimomura's Takedown, and Bendelladj Hamza's The Fugitive Game. Littman made four notable allegations:
journalistic impropriety by Markoff, who had covered the case for the New York Times
overzealous prosecution of Mitnick by the government
mainstream media over-hyping Mitnick's actual crimes
Shimomura's involvement in the matter being unclear or of dubious legality
Further controversy came over the release of the movie Takedown, with Littman alleging that portions of the film were taken from his book without permission.
The case against Mitnick tested then-nascent laws that had been enacted for dealing with computer crime, and it raised public awareness of security issues involving networked computers. The controversy remains, however, as Mitnick is often used today as an example of the quintessential computer criminal although his exploits are less notable than his notoriety suggests.
Supporters of Mitnick have asserted that many of the charges against him were fraudulent and not based on actual losses.
Falsehoods have also surrounded Mitnick's exploits. For example, many mistakenly believe that Mitnick was once in the FBI's most wanted list. Federal prosecutor Kent Walker said in an interview with the New York Times that Mitnick " was arguably the most wanted computer hacker in the world, he allegedly had access to corporate trade secrets worth millions of dollars. He was a very big threat". The headline of the resultant article, "A Most-Wanted Cyberthief Is Caught in His Own Web," was later picked up by Associated Press, Time Magazine and Reuters, thus perpetuating the myth.
While Mitnick's actual actions may not have justified the level of official concern they received, the fact that his activities were criminal is not disputed. Mitnick's first adult criminal sentence was considerably shorter than is the norm today.
The film Freedom Downtime, a documentary that centers on the topics of Kevin Mitnick's incarceration in a maximum security prison, Miramax's film's screen adaptation of Takedown, and the "FREE KEVIN" movement, was made in 2001 by Emmanuel Goldstein and produced by 2600 Films.
Attacks on Mitnick's sites :
On August 20, 2006, Kevin Mitnick's site was defaced by Palestine PHP Emperor with offensive messages against him. The domain names,, and displayed the vandalism for hours before the affected files were replaced.
Mitnick commented: The Web hosting provider that hosts my sites was hacked, fortunately, I don't keep any confidential data on my Web site, so it wasn't that serious. Of course it is embarrassing to be defaced-nobody likes it.
As a notorious figure, Mitnick has been targeted by hackers who wish to bolster their status and for people seeking to prove their abilities.
Zone-H reports that on one occasion, there was a struggle between different black hat and white hat hackers when some defacers put their nicks on Mitnick's site and fans replaced the vandalized copy with an original unmodified one. This went on for a full day.
Recent activity :
Kevin Mitnick is now a professional computer consultant (doing business as Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC), and has co-authored two books on computer security: The Art of Deception (2002), which focuses on social engineering, and The Art of Intrusion (2005), focusing on real stories of security exploits.
He co-authored (with Alexis Kasperavicius) a social engineering prevention training course and certification: CSEPS.
On August 20, 2006, a Syrian editor, Nidal Maalouf, accused Mitnick of stealing his domain name ( He falsely claimed that Mitnick is the FBI's No.1 wanted person for illegal acts against a number of internet sites. Maalouf was interviewed by the local newspaper "Bourses & Markets", and the interview was quoted by Al-Ayham Saleh on his personal website.
Mitnick occasionally appears on the late night radio show Coast to Coast AM. He has also hosted the show, interviewing Steve Wozniak (on April 30, 2006) and others.
Mitnick has spoken at events: IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals) Privacy Academy in Las Vegas, October, 2005 (keynote speaker); National Youth Leadership Forum on Technology in San Jose, CA, in the summer of 2004; the Fifth H.O.P.E. in New York, NY, July, 2004 (keynote speaker); ITESM Monterrey Tec, in February 2003 (keynote speaker).
Kevin Mitnick was a "surprise guest" in the 40th TWiT podcast when he ran into Steve Wozniak by chance in Las Vegas. Wozniak was on the line with fellow TWiT hosts via Skype on his notebook computer, and Mitnick remained with Wozniak for much of the remainder of the show.
Kevin Mitnick appeared on "Thebroken", an online videozine marketing itself as 'borderline legal.' He appeared on the third episode of the show, but was given mention in the first.
Mitnick guest starred in a first season episode of Alias. The casting was an in-joke, since Mitnick played a CIA hacker. Due to the conditions of his parole, however, the computer he used in the scene was a prop.
Kevin Mitnick appeared on the South African actuality programme "Carte Blanche".
On 2 March 2007, the WELL declined his application for admission, refunding his membership fee.
Mitnick teamed up with John Walsh on the November 10, 2007 episode of America's Most Wanted on a segment on Edward Pena, another computer hacker.
Posted by
4:57 AM
Labels: Black hat hacker
Robert Tappan Morris (also known as rtm, born 1965 (age 42-43)) is an associate professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the Institute's department of Electical Engineering and Computer Science. He is best known for creating the Morris Worm in 1988, considered the first computer worm on the Internet. He is the son of Robert Morris, the former chief scientist at the National Computer Security Center, a division of the National Security Agency (NSA)..
The worm :
Morris created the worm while he was a graduate student at Cornell University. The original intent, according to him, was to gauge the size of the Internet.
He released the worm from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to conceal the fact that it actually originated from Cornell. Unknown to Morris, the worm had a design flaw. The worm was programmed to check each computer it found to determine if the infection was already present.
However, Morris believed that some administrators might try to defeat his worm by instructing the computer to report a false positive. To compensate for this possibility, Morris directed the worm to copy itself anyway, fourteen percent of the time, no matter the response to the infection-status interrogation.
This level of replication proved excessive and the worm spread rapidly, infecting several thousand computers. It was estimated that the cost of repair for the damage caused by the worm at each system ranged from $200 to more than $53,000.
The worm exploited several vulnerabilities to gain entry to targeted systems, including:
a hole in the debug mode of the Unix sendmail program,
a buffer overrun hole in the fingerd network service,
the transitive trust enabled by people setting up rexec/rsh network logins without password requirements...
Biography :
1987 - Received his A.B. from Harvard.
1988 - Released the Morris worm (when he was a graduate student at Cornell).
1989 - Indicted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 on July 26, 1989 - the first person to be indicted under this Act.
1990 - Convicted and sentenced to three years of probation, 400 hours of community service, a fine of $10,050 and the cost of his supervision.
1995 - Founded Viaweb, a start-up company that made software for building online stores - with Paul Graham.
1998 - Viaweb sold to Yahoo, who renamed it software Yahoo! Store.
1999 - Received Ph.D. in Applied Sciences from Harvard.
1999 - Appointed as a professor at MIT.
2005 - Founded Y Combinator, a venture capital firm - with Paul Graham.
2006 - Awarded tenure.
2006 - Technical advisor for Meraki Networks.
His principal research interest is computer network architectures which includes work on distributed hash tables such as Chord and wireless mesh networks such as Roofnet.
Morris is a longtime friend of Paul Graham (Graham dedicated his book ANSI Common Lisp to him) and Graham named the programming language that generates the online stores' web pages RTML in his honor.
Posted by
4:51 AM
Labels: Black hat hacker
Kevin Lee Poulsen (born 1965 in Pasadena, California, U.S.) is a former black hat hacker. He is currently a senior editor at Wired News.
Before segueing into journalism, he had a notorious career in the 1980s as a cracker whose handle was Dark Dante. He worked for SRI International by day, and hacked at night.
During this time, Poulsen taught himself lock picking, and engaged in a brash spree of high-tech stunts that would ultimately make him one of America's best-known cyber-criminals.
Among other things, Poulsen reactivated old Yellow Page escort telephone numbers for an acquaintance that then ran a virtual escort agency.
His best-appreciated hack was a takeover of all of the telephone lines for Los Angeles radio station KIIS-FM, guaranteeing that he would be the 102nd caller, and netting him a Porsche 944 S2.
When the FBI started pursuing Poulsen, he went underground as a fugitive. When he was featured on NBC's Unsolved Mysteries, the show's 1-800 telephone lines mysteriously crashed. He was finally arrested in April 1991.
In June 1994, Poulsen pleaded guilty to seven counts of mail, wire and computer fraud, money laundering, and obstruction of justice, and was sentenced to 51 months in prison and ordered to pay $56,000 in restitution. At the time, it was the longest sentence ever given for cracking. He also pleaded guilty to breaking into computers and obtaining information on undercover businesses run by the FBI.
Poulsen enjoyed brief celebrity in the tech world upon his release from federal prison, and was the subject of the book Watchman: The Twisted Life and Crimes of Serial Hacker Kevin Poulsen, a work which Poulsen himself has decried.
Poulsen has reinvented himself as a journalist since his release from prison, and sought to distance himself from his criminal past. Poulsen served in a number of journalistic capacities at California-based security research firm SecurityFocus, where he began writing security and hacking news in early 2000.
Despite a late arrival to a market saturated with technology media, SecurityFocus News became a well-known name in the tech news world during Poulsen's tenure with the company and was acquired by Symantec. His original investigative reporting was frequently picked up by the mainstream press. Poulsen left SecurityFocus in 2005 to freelance and pursue independent writing projects. He became a senior editor for Wired News in June 2005, which hosts his recent (as of 2006) blog, 27BStroke6, which has since been renamed Threat Level.
In October 2006, Poulsen released information detailing his successful search for registered sex offenders using MySpace to solicit sex from children. His work identified 744 registered persons with MySpace profiles, and led to the arrest of one, Andrew Lubrano.
Posted by
4:41 AM
Labels: Black hat hacker
More Colors for Your SmartArt ..
Do you use SmartArt in MS Office 2007?
To do so, do you go to the Design Ribbon and change the colors?

Well, I happened to stumble across a pretty easy way to alter the color choices for SmartArt. So, if you're looking for more options, this one is for you!
For Word and Excel, I found a Themes gallery on the Page Layout Ribbon (on the far left side).

In PowerPoint 2007, I found the Themes on the Design Ribbon.

When I chose a theme from the gallery, it altered the color choices for the SmartArt as well.
(I'd like to add that I found this easiest to do with the SmartArt already created. With that, the program previewed the effects each theme would cause).
Another way to get color changes for your SmartArt in all of these programs is through the Colors button, located to the right of the Themes.
As you can see, the theme color sets are listed and at the bottom, you have the choice to "Create New Theme Colors."
If you select that option, a dialogue window will open, allowing you to put colors together that fit you best.
After you choose the colors that strike your fancy, you can name your Theme at the bottom. Then just finish the process by clicking Save.
There you have it. SmartArt colored to your exact specifications!
Posted by
12:22 AM
Labels: Computer Tricks