Internet Explorer: Clear your drop down address bar

Monday, June 23, 2008

Is your drop down address bar full of old addresses that you will never use again? Mine isn't, because I have fixed that problem by getting rid of them. Want to know how? Then keep reading.

Warning: This tip involves entering the registry. If at any point you get confused or are not completely sure what I mean, STOP , and re-read the steps to make sure you are doing this exactly right. If followed correctly these procedures are completely safe. I would also not recommend messing around in the registry unless you know what you are doing.

First click the Start button. Then click on Run . Enter " regedit " (no quotes), and click OK . This will bring up the registry editor.

Under the My Computer directory open the HKEY_CURRENT-USER directory by double clicking it.

Next open the Software directory in the same way. Under the Software directory open the Microsoft directory. Under Microsoft open the Internet Explorer directory. Under the Internet Explorer directory, open the TypedURLs directory.
Now the section on the right will be filled with a bunch of text that at first may seem rather meaningless, and the address below will be displayed at the bottom of the Window:

" My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs "
If this is the case you are in the right place. If not, go back and make sure you have followed the steps correctly.

All the entries in the right are actually just a list of all the address you have entered. You can now click on any entry and press delete to get rid of it. For each one you delete you must confirm that you want to delete it by clicking yes in the box that appears. If it is easier for you, you can delete multiple entries at once by selecting them using either a box or the control key.

When you are finished simply close the registry editor window. (Unless you want to see something else you can do in the registry which is explained below) All those useless URLs are gone! Whenever that address bar gets full again, just do the same thing.

Since we are here in the registry let's change the message in the title bar of Internet Explorer. Just go back to the Main directory under the Internet Explorer directory. Now there is some more stuff in that right window. Scroll to the bottom and look for an entry entitled " window title " double click it to change its value.

Enter the text you want to be displayed in the title bar, and click OK . Now you can close the registry editor. If there was no entry named " window title " you can make one. Click on Edit , go to new , and click on " String Value ." Name it window title and set the value as indicated above.

Now open Internet Explorer and you can see your text in the title bar, and all those old addresses are gone


Stopping automatic start-ups

You can stop them by editing MSConfig.
You can do that by

  • clicking Start
  • Run. Enter "msconfig" (without the quotes) in the box and
  • click OK.

On the Startup tab, clear boxes of programs you don't want to start.

Use care. You want to keep things like your anti-virus, firewall and anti-spyware programs starting when you start your computer.

Some programs may reinstate themselves. Often they have a setting that allows them to do that. Any such program is likely to be in the Notification Area, in the bottom right of the desktop.Right-click the icon and open the program. Hunt around for a suspect setting. It is probably a checked box. Clear the box.

That's it.


Find missing .DLL files on the internet

A user complained that when he attempts to open a program, he gets an error message saying that a .dll file is missing. He wanted to know what could be done about that. Since I did not have time to take his call on the air, let me do it right here.

The letters dll stand for dynamic link library. These files contain code that might be used by several programs. Rather than include the code in each program, it is kept in a single file. The programs access the code when they need it.

If the .dll file is missing from an application, try reinstalling the program. That's usually a quick fix.In the caller's case, the missing file apparently is from Windows. If this suddenly happened, the file may have been accidentally deleted. Or, it could be corrupt.

Reinstalling Windows is a hassle. Before doing that, I'd go to the Web and track down another copy. There are many sites on the Web that offer .dll downloads.
Here are two:

IMDb smiley

When Some Specific Websites Do Not Open On Your Computer

Your computer is connected to the Internet and you can reach most websites just fine but there’s a problem when you try to open some particular website(s).
Though that website is unreachable from your computer, it is definitely not down because you are able to access the same website from another computer at home.Facing a similar problem ? Here’s how to diagnose and fix the issue:

Fix 1:

  • Check your Windows HOSTS file -
  • Make sure there’s no entry in the hosts file that maps the website’s address to localhost or an incorrect IP address like
  • it is a possibility if you have imported some third party hosts file.
  • cmd /k notepad c:\WINDOWS\system32 \drivers\ etc\hosts

Fix 2:

  • Find Faults in the Pipeline
  • Paypal website may be up and running but it is possible that the real problem lies with a router that is between you and the computer hosting the Paypal website.
  • Do a traceroute and check for messages like “Request Timed Out”
  • they will help you find the location of the breakdown.
  • Type the following command in the Run Window:

cmd /k tracert

  • remember to replace Paypal with address of the website that is unreachable.

Fix 3:

  • Clear DNS Cache
  • The DNS cache keeps a record of sites that you have recently visited on your computer.
  • If that gets corrupted, you may have issues opening sites that were previously accessible without problems.
  • Type
  • cmd /k ipconfig /displaydns in the Run window to see the cache entries.
  • If that unreachable website is listed in the cache, type
  • cmd /k ipconfig /flushdns to clear the cache.

Fix 4:

  • Website May Be Blocked
  • The chances are rare but it is possible that access to some particular website may be have been restricted by the Office firewall.
  • To test this, send an email to www@web2mail. com with the problematic website URL in the subject field.
  • If the website is up, you will get a text copy of the web page in an email message.

Fix 5:

  • Suspend the Anti-Virus and Firewall
  • If you are running an external software firewall or anti-virus program (like Norton, ZoneAlarm, etc), exit and restart the web browser.
  • Is the problem solved now ?When nothing works, open and reboot the modem.
  • If that fails, restart your computer and as a final step, call your ISP support

Chopper Smiley

How to make your Desktop Icons Transparent

Are you bothered with your desk top icon's background, is not clear?
No problem, solution here.
Go to

  • Control Panel
  • System

or right click on

  • My Computer
  • select "Properties"
  • Advanced
  • Performance area
  • Settings button Visual Effects tab
  • selet the check box "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop"

and click Apply, OK


Remove or Rename the Recycle Bin from the Desktop

If you don't use the Recycle Bin to store deleted files , you can get rid of its desktop icon all together.

  • As a precaution, if you have fear about registry, just copy the registry file "regedit.exe" from "C:\Windows\" folder and past anywhere of your place.
  • Run Regedit and go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ Microsoft/ Windows/CurrentVersion/explorer/ Desktop/NameSpace

  • Then search for the string value "Recyclebin".
  • Click on the "Recycle Bin" string in the right hand pane.
  • Hit Del, click OK.
If you want to restore, just copy the registry file from your folder where you saved before and past to "C:\Windows\". then restart the computer.

How to Rename the Recycle Bin
  • To change the name of the Recycle Bin desktop icon, open Regedit and go to:
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/ {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
  • It is very difficult to find the code, right?

No problem, u just copy the code and click to select edit>find; from Menu bar and past to findand by right click on "Recycle Bin"and select modify option for change the name to whatever you want (don't type any quotes).

  • Eg:- find this code - 645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E
At last restart the computer..

fri 13th smiley

Disable CD Autorun

  • Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC
  • Go to Computer Configuration, double click on Administrative Templates> System.
  • Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off and modify it as you desire.

U r done

Speed up Firefox

Here's something for broadband people that will really speed Firefox up:

  • Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:


Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

  • Alter the entries as follows:
    Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"
    Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"
    Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.
  • Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.
    If you're using a broadband connection you'll load pages MUCH faster now..

Rock smiley

Browse internet through Windows Xp's Calculator

You can try it out..
if some sites are blocked on your pc..
Go to

  • start
  • run
  • type in calc and hit enter

now windows calculator will open.

Goto Help

-> Help TopicsNow right click on the extreme left of the title bar of the calculatortype in the full address you wanna browse..

and you are done

Speed up Acrobat reader like notepad

Firstly, close all the instances of Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)
  • Cut and paste all the files of "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory.

Now your acrobat reader will load very fast and almost as good as notepad..The main logic behind this is ; that all the plugins loads everytime you open an acrobat reader which are not used everytime or used occasionally. Hence moving it to the optional directory will not load all the plugins hence making the acrobat reader faster.

Safely turnOFF some windows services which are not used

Some of the windows services starts with the windows eating up the memory. and if they are not used by you then you can stp them from starting with windows. You can reenable them when you need it.

To check the services program...goto

start -> run ->type" services.msc " (without quotes) -> and hit enter.

There will be a list of services...Some common services you can check and stop them according to your need..
To stop a service..double click the desired service and click on stop button. To stop that service from "disabled" instead of Automatic from the startup type option

  • Error Reporting Service - stop the alert of send and dont send error
  • Help and Support - You can safely turn this feature no one uses this
  • Indexing Service - keep it on of you use windows search..because..this makes the search faster
  • Messenger - Windows messenger. turn it OFF..if you dont use it.
  • Telnet - Turn this OFF..if you dont use it.
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply - Turn this OFF...if you don't have an UPS